
Design Thinking: redesigning Community of Owners management

New technologies are transforming every aspect of our everyday life. The way we work, the way we communicate and organize has changed radically thanks to the tools that make our daily tasks easier, tasks which previously robbed endless hours of our time. These changes are also modifying what we look for when we buy goods or services. Consumers look for personal experiences, a sense of well-being while enjoying community spaces and interactions.

The Community of Owners management, although it is currently one of the most traditional sectors, has not remained isolated from this transformation, following an intense evolution in work processes and as well as in reviewing what are property owners' needs. In this context and with the aim of redesigning our real estate services, among them the rent management department, Forcadell is in a process of internal innovation by using new tools like Design Thinking.

“Design Thinking" is a design methodology that provides a solution-based approach to solving problems, emphasizing with consumer's doubts and requirements. Formulated from a challenge point of view and working through collaboration, it seeks to build solutions, affirms Cristina José Lorente, responsible for the customer experience area of Forcadell. In the case of the communities of owners area, in addition to enhancing this empathy with the client, we seek to know them, define the profile and better understand their needs as a user of our services.

Forcadell wanted to apply this innovative methodology with the aim of redefining the processes of community administration, providing professionals with new tools, both personal and technological, for a better development of their work focusing on the needs of customers. This was done through what is called “Living Experience”, a set of team work sessions where archetypes of the department's clients have been elaborated, interviews, proposals for internal improvements and an analysis of the customer journey carried out by the clients of communities of owners and rent management areas of Forcadell throughout their relationship with the company.

The main conclusion of all these dynamics is that, in a time where there is a tendency to need and want less and less intermediaries, the role of the rent and property manager must cast aside the bureaucratic profile to become an enhancer of community life, and become in the building, a figure with 2 important objectives:

-Change the image of the communities of owners contributing a more human added value, to change from the image of the conflict and the incidents.

-Conceive residential buildings as spaces of coexistence, with pleasant common areas for the enjoyment of all neighbors, new technologies that provide value and comfort, take advantage of those areas (such as parking, storage rooms, etc.) that can add an eclectic benefit to all the users, ect.

If you are looking for a company with great experience and know-how to manage your community of owners, you can apply for a quote from the experts at Forcadell by clicking on the link.

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